Monday, 24 October 2011

Thought of the week Monday!

Todays thought has one which has been bothering me a lot recently. How do we let go of the past? More specifically, are there certain people and events in your past which bother you? I know i have some, and even though I try to forget and move on, there are always days when I am just plagued with regret about how I wished things had been different. But isn't this such a waste of time?! If I died tomorrow, would I be happy, knowing i had spent so much of my time, worrying about the past, instead of living in the present? I found this quote earlier on today, which really made me smile. Sometimes comedy is the best remedy. “Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head.” – Ann Landers This quote really says it all: why are we spending so much time, letting other people use up our "head space?!" We should be filling it with other much nicer things:) Love and Peace Serin x

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